 It's simple. Advertising must be an extension of
 the client's sales effort. All the elements, the
 layout, the visuals and the copy should all
 contribute to this goal. The advertising has to be
 provocative to grab attention. It has to tell a story
 that positions a product or service in a way that
 makes the most of its strengths. And it must
 generate the kind of interest that moves people
 to action. Design for design sake misses the
 mark (even though it may fulfill the ego). The account executive has to have in-depth
 advertising experience - and know how
 businesses work. With the ability to meld these
 two to maximize effectiveness. In addition, the
 AE must always be aware of what the client's
 competition is doing, so recommendations
 come from knowledge rather than speculation. This is how we think. This is what we do for our clients.  |  |